
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Personal Thursday!

Hey there, time for my weekly personal post.

Let's talk about Hannibal. Shall we? We shall. It's a new show, started about three weeks ago on NBC and it's fucking amazing. There's an episode on at 10 PM Eastern Time, so you can still catch up if you watch nonstop!

Isn't he cute? He's addorrrrraaaaable.

So the show's about an FBI agent that basically can empathize with anybody, meaning he can put himself in anybody's shoes. It's mainly focused on the psychological aspect of murder, dark places, and nightmares. The very talented cast includes Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen. You should definitely check it out.

Another new show that I've been really loving is Orphan Black.

The very talented Tatiana Maslany plays several characters who were basically orphan clones, copies of each other. It's intense. Such a good show.

If you haven't noticed already, I'm a huge fan of television. I love it. It gives me a nice refreshing break from my life but still keeps my mind entertained. Some may argue that TV is mindless brainwashing, but it really depends on what you do. That's basically the rule of life. Some can argue that gay marriage is wrong, other can argue that it's right. Some can say that makeup hides that natural beauty of women, some can say it enhances it.

My mom's going away for three weeks next Tuesday, and we're going to be so lost without her. Don't get me wrong, my father's an intelligent guy, but he works 14 hours a day and when he gets back he just wants to sit around and watch TV. My brother and I are smart as well, but we're really too lazy to do anything, ever.

I don't have much to talk about because lately my life's just been homework and television, so that'll be all for today! Thanks for reading.