
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Upcoming Blog Posts + Project 365 | Life Update #2

I've got a plethora of exciting blog posts coming soon. A few more photography posts (aperature and shutter speed, lighting, etc! I've been working really hard on them, haha) and DIYs (some of my favorite things ever). Look forward to that! I'm also quite close to finishing a bunch of products, so another empties post might be on its way. I also might start doing OOTDs. I'm not a big fashion gal but I've been really going through the women's fashion page on Pinterest lately.

 Quick Project 365 update - I've decided to do weekly themes whenever I can think of one. This week was "seven things that touch my face everyday" and these are my favorite pictures. I think for next week I'm simply doing "seven things."

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