
Friday, January 10, 2014

What Lives In My Shower

Hi everyone! Today I'm showing you the hair products I use on a regular basis. I don't normally talk about hair products on my blog, so this is a little different, but I wanted to share!

I have been using Dove shampoos for yeeeeeears. I find that they're great for daily cleansing because they aren't harsh or stripping, and don't dry out my ends. They also smell really really nice. Normally I get the blue one but I have this pomegranate scented one which smells heavenly.
I talked about the Clear products in my drugstore hair recommendations post a couple months ago, and for good reason. I'm using the conditioner right now, which is really great at nourishing hair and coaxing shine back. I use this all over, but concentrate on the ends.
The next two products I'm going to talk about together, because even though they aren't the same they're equally effective. They're from Bath & Body Works, and to be honest I mainly got them because they smell great. And smell great they do. Here I have the Volumizing shampoo and Moisturizing conditioner of the Warm Brown Sugar scent. Not to say that they're bad or ineffective, but just not as good as my other ones. These smell incredible, but don't do wonders. I only use them about once a week.
Lastly, there's the Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine Morrocon Oil Treatment. This stuff is amazing! It smells like a freaking rainbow, if that's what a rainbow smelled like. It's really good for adding extra shine and strength to your hair, and when mixed with the Warm Brown Sugar fragrance is amazing.

Thanks for reading! What hair products do you use?

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