Nail Care Essentials

8:47 PM

Sometime nails really need some TLC. I try to give my nails a nice little pamper every week, and this is usually the routine I use. Keep in mind that I don't normally have nail polish on my nails, and if I do I simply remove it with some remover before diving into this routine.

So the first thing I do is buff my nails using one of these 4-step buffing blocks. These can be purchased at any drugstore for fairly cheap, and they work pretty well, in my opinion. I simply follow the four steps dictated on the block and my nails are left very ridge-free and smooth. After buffing my nails, I use a glass nail file because they are gentler on the nails and don't wear out like emery boards. Anyways, I use the file to shape and file down my nails until they are a shape and length I'm comfortable with. Then, after I'm done filing my nails, I dab a bit of cuticle oil on my nails. This just hydrates them and keeps them from getting raggedy and unhealthy. After the oil has absorbed in, I use some cuticle cream to really ensure that my nails are happy. After a few minutes of applying that, I like to use a nourishing hand cream to lock in everything.

Thanks for reading! What's your nail care routine?

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Hi there, I'm Emily. It's nice to meet you. I'm a beauty blogger who also happens to be very interested in photography/film. Chat with me, let's be friends!